We meet across all our campuses at 11am each Sunday. Our services include corporate prayer, contemporary worship, teaching from the Bible and fellowship. You are most welcome to join us! If you’re planning on visiting for the first time, why not drop us an email at office@edinburghelim.com so we can keep an eye out for you to say hello!


Worship is a hugely important part of our genetic makeup at Edinburgh Elim. We believe the Bible’s teaching that our true and proper worship is in offering our bodies as living sacrifices, but as an extension of our whole-life worship we love to gather corporately and offer our sung praise and worship too. We do this both at our Sunday morning services, and at our “Infuse” worship nights, which take place at various points throughout the year at our Morningside campus. For more info, email luke@edinburghelim.com.
“Activate Kids” runs during the sermon each Sunday at our Morningside campus, for all children of a primary school age (4-11).
“Twinkle Twinkle” is a nursery rhyme sing-a-long, open to anyone in the community with small children. It runs each Wednesday at 10am in our building at Morningside.
For more info on our kids’ work, email office@ednburghelim.com.


“Attic Youth” meets each week during the sermon at our Morningside campus, for all youth of a high school age (11-18).
“7UP” meets every second week during the sermon at our Morningside campus, for anyone transitioning between primary school age and highschool age (10-13). The group aims to bridge the gap between “Activate Kids” (Sunday School) and “Attic” (Youth).
For more info on our youth work, email godfrey@edinburghelim.com.
“Bold” aims to reach students and young adults (18-25), meeting for various social gatherings and bible studies throughout the month. For more info, email melvina@edinburghelim.com.


“Mpower Men” meet on the last Wednesday of each month at our Morningside campus. For more info, email ikhide@edinburghelim.com
“Aspire Ladies” meet on the last Tuesday of each month at our Morningside campus. For more info, email sam@edinburghelim.com.


We have a number of “home groups” at various locations in the city which meet throughout the week. If you’re interested in joining a home group close to you, send us an email at office@edinburghelim.com and we’ll get you in touch with a home group leader near you.
We believe in equipping and sending out everyone in our congregation to share the Good News of the Gospel with the people around them, and to help provide extra opportunities to do this, we have a few outreach ministries currently operating.
John 3:7 is a street-evangelism ministry, which meets on different afternoons throughout the week along the Royal Mile. For more information, email samba@edinburghelim.com.
Rendezvous is a lunch time ministry which runs fortnightly on Thursdays from 12-2pm. This is an excellent opportunity to develop relationship with the community by offering (free) warm soup and (also free!) warm conversation. For more info, email winifred@edinburghelim.com.


Prayer is an essential part of active church participation, so we are glad to facilitate a number of ways to engage in prayer at Edinburgh Elim Church.
Each Thursday at 7pm we host an online prayer meeting via Zoom. Message office@edinburghelim.com for details on how to join.
On the second Tuesday of the month, we gather for an in-person prayer and worship event in our Sanctuary.
We always give an opportunity during our service for those who need prayer, and have an excellent prayer ministry team poised and ready to listen to your needs and stand with you in faith. If you’d like to receive prayer throughout the week, email gordon@edinburghelim.com.